
Elixir and the Pin Operator

The Problem I am working on my first side project using Elixir and Phoenix. I was writing some tests and encountered a flaky unit test (randomly fails or passes). In this test, I wanted to make a ...

Writing Unit Tests for Actix with Websockets

The Problem I am implementing a chat service using websockets based on Rust with Actix. Actix provides numerous examples, including a websocket-chat example, which I used as a reference for my imp...

Bash script for easy Python requirements management

Update I migrated to Pipenv some time ago and being pretty happy about this. Outdated article For every Python project I set up a virtualenv and handle my requirements with pip-tools. It is a co...

Test gqlgen resolvers that rely on context values

The problem You are using gqlgen for building GraphQL servers in your Go projects. But your queryResolver or mutationResolver rely on some context value. For example as you are using gin and add v...

Update a column based on row_number() or other tables

The problem On some project I inserted a new column called position so the entries are orderable by the users. On this project users can create categories which have e.g. a title and may have a su...